<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %> National Engraving Service - Hebrew Engraving Instructions

Hebrew Engraving

We are able to engrave our items with Hebrew characters, however we cannot provide translation services. In order to engrave your item with your expression, we need the text to be submitted in one of 3 formats.
  • Send a graphic containing the phrase
  • Send a note with the phrase spelled with the names of the Hebrew character in the alefbet
  • Enter the letter from the English keyboard corresponding to the desired Hebrew character. This is the preferred method.

Hebrew Name Hebrew Character English Character Hebrew Name Hebrew Character English Character Hebrew Name Hebrew Character English Character
Alef t Yod h Ayin g
Bet c Kaf f Pe p
Gimel d Khaf l Fe ; (semi-colon)
Dalet s Lamed k Tzade m
He v Mem n Tzade Final . (period)
Vav u Mem Final o Qof e
Zayin z Nun b Resh r
Chet j Nun Final i Shin a
Tet y Samech x Tav ,
As engraving consultants, we offer the highest standards of service, quality, and dependability. We work with you to manufacture an accurate, effective product.